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Staying In Style At Camp

Hey Guys! So I know that I have been mentioning my camp job a lot and I just decided to make a whole post about it here and like the fashion aspect of camp. Let me just start out by saying that I know all camps are different and some make you wear a uniform and some do not. Obviously, if you do not have to wear a camp shirt every day...there is more room to be stylish. Personally, my camp has us in a blue shirt every single day except on fridays when we wear white. The color of my shirt is kinda weird to accesorize with so I generally just stick to a head band or a green or white bow. I think that adding a hair accesory is a great way to express your style at camp. When you work  at want to have things that are replaceable. You  can always get a new hair ribbon or new hair band for a very low price. Therefore, no biggie if it gets lost. It also is a convient way to be cute and get your hair out of your face (and when you are out in the hot sun all want you hair out of your face).
As far as makeup is concerned...I usually stick to anything watter proof. At camp, you get wet and dirty so it is pointless to waste your nice makeup on camp. I like to wear a bit of concealer to get rid of my under eye circles as well as a bit of watter proof eyeliner on my watter line, watter proof mascara and eye brow pencil. Another good touch as a watter proof cream eyeshadow. If you are going to use this, I reccomend Maybelline's color tattoo's. They really do stay on through eveything and just give a pop of color so you feel like you are putting some effort into your appearance (after never know when a hot guy is going to be hired right?).
Hair styling is always a challenge at camp. The breeze is blowing...the watter is spraying, the humidity is high and everyone is getting their sweat on. I like to wear my hair in french braids especially if it is second day hair. This keeps it back but still looks cute. In additon, I like to just put mouse in it and let it go down or in a pony. Then I always know where it is and what its looking like. I think that it is pointless to try to curl or straighten it for will just get ruined. Besides, no one does that and you will just look like a supper princess if you do.
Like I said before, I do not get a  choice in shirts for camp but I do get to pick my shorts. I know that most people do not like to wear jean shorts to camp but I do. I feel like they are just more conveinent because they have pockets. I am the dance specilist so I always need my phone on me to run music so pockets are a must. In addition, it gives me a place to put all of the unfinished lanyard deposited into my hand to be given back on the bus on the way home.
As far as shoes are concerned, I just like to have a decent pair of sneakers. I do not wear my hard core running shoes because I do not want to get them filthy. Howeve, I do wear a good pair of sneakers that will serve any purpose during the day.

I hope that this post helped you get some ideas about camp fashion. I just want to quickly say that this is just what I do and eveyone is different but this is what I find that works to keep my instyle at camp. Let me know what keeps you instyle at camp or if you try anything out that I talked about...comment below and tell me how it worked out.


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