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Back To School Fashion 2013: Freshman Advise

Previously on Back To School Fashion 2013: I talked about leather!
Coming up: I am going to give a few tips to high school freshman!

Hey guys!!! So as the big kid on the block, I thought that this year I would put together a few tips for high school freshman! Now I know school has started and some of you are already going on week three..but when I was a freshman, I did not figure out the ropes until mid-year at the earliest. Today I am goina break it down into a few do's and dont's so that you do not feel as lost and do not walk around with the word FRESHMAN branded on your face.

1.) DO NOT crowd the main entrance in the morning!!! This is seriously the most annoying thing in the world. There is whole school to hang around in a talk. You do not need to block everyone from entering. Also, this mass before school makes fitting throughout the door ways an unnecciarly long process of pushing and shoving through the tiny doorway all at the same time and consequently being late for class. So fave yourselves, go talk somewhere other than at the front door...please.

2.) Waving around your ID does not make you cool. I do not know about you guys, but in my school we did get middle school ID's. Therefore, it was not such a novelty to get a high school one except that it said high school on it instead of middle school. Also, by waving it around all the time, you are guaranteed to loose it. Ask anyone in my grade...we all lost them.

3.) You will get to class on time I promise so do not dart through the hall way and push everyone in your path while going to class. Calm down and carry on. Also, the world does not end if you are late once or twice throughout the year. The world does not even end if you are late five or six times throughout the year. No you don't want to be late and loose the respect of the teachers, but stuff happens and it is forgivable, especially in the first few weeks of your high school career.

1.) Have class spirit! I know that spirit week usually goes to the seniors or what ever equivalent competition you have between the grades. However, I am here to tell you that you CAN win in another class. Juniors won for the first time in history at my high school when I was a junior because we worked SO hard!! School spirit is so much fun and it brings everyone together in a positive way. Get involved, get pumped and don't let the fact that you are a freshman and probably goina loose get you down. Go for the gold.

2.) Get involved in activities. Join a sport, a club, student council, anything! I know you may not believe me now, but your best buddies from middle school that you sit with at lunch will not be your best buddies by graduation. People grow and change alot in high school. Being involved in after school activities is a great way to make new friends so you do not feel lost when your middle school clique dissipates. Also, high school is the place to discover what you are interested to start on a career path. No, you will probably not find your permanent career, but you can get on the right track. Extra curriculers provide you with great opportunities to discover something you may be interested in.

3.) TALK to the upper classman. DON'T be afraid of them we don't bite! When I was a freshman, almost all of my friends were juniors and seniors. Sure they will say "go home freshman" at the pep rally, but they do not really hate you! Becoming friends with older people is great because you always have someone to turn to when you need advise on classes, teachers etc. Also, by becoming friends with the upperclassman, you will never get labeled as freshmeat. In addition, you will get advantages in stuff if you seem older and more mature...that is just the politics of life embedded into high school.

That is all the advise I will be giving out today. If you want me to do more of these types of posts, let me know and I will get on it!


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