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How To Sew: What Machine Should I Get??

Hey Guys!! So I could not come up with a good title for this series but I am working on it and for now I am just calling it How To Sew. Boring I know, I will fix that. I have had the idea for this series in my head for a while now but did not think that I was ready but I finally have a game plan and a bit more experience under my belt. SO, I am really really excited to announce this series which will be tips on how to start sewing, designing and making your own clothing! I am by no means a professional yet but I think that it would be a great experience for me to be able to share my tips and experiences with you guys and you can share yours with me! I am very excited about this series and I am just going to jump right in because I am just that excited!!

Deciding to Buy a Machine:
If you want to start creating your own clothing, hand sewing is an option, however, it would take you much longer to make a garment and it may or may not come out durable. Therefore, it is important to invest in a good sewing machine. On that note, sewing machines are expensive (at least in my opinion) so if you are not serious about becoming a designer and just want to test the waters, I would hand sew for a while and see if I liked it before making the investment. Personally, I hand sew my sister's Barbies clothing made out of dog bandannas and duck tape...and then sewed for a while on my Mom-mom's dinosaur machine before I invested in a good quality one of my own. So I would deff make sure that this is something you really want to do before buying the machine or asking your parents/relatives to buy it for you.
My first machine was a mechanical Brother machine that belonged to my Mom-mom. She no longer used it so she gave it to me to experiment on. This machine did not have all of the pieces that come with the modern machines and it did not spool the bobbin for you. I took my first class on this machine at a local vacuum and sewing shop. Personally, I was really interested in fashion and thought it was time to upgrade to a more modern machine.

My Machine + Why I Chose Brother:
This is my machine:
Now I am going to be completely honest with you and tell you that I decided to go with this machine because it said Project Runway on it and the sales man told me that this was one of the types of machines that the designers used on the show. However, I was planning on buying a similar machine just not the Project Runway edition before I saw the show's line. Unfortunately, I got this machine two years ago and it was limited edition so I do not think that you can purchase this exact one anymore (although do not quote me on that). Prior to going machine shopping, I did a little bit of research on the brands of machines and decided to stick with Brother. I know that Singer is a pretty popular brand as well, however, my Mom-mom's Brother machine was still functioning perfectly fine after upwards of 30 years when I decided to modernize so I decided to stick with the brand because I knew that I would have it for a very long time.

Home Machine vs Industrial Machine:
This was another topic that I wanted to touch on. There are two major types of machines, the Home Machine and the Industrial Machine. Mine is a home machine and I think that it is absolutely perfect for someone just starting out. A Home Machine can do just about anything, I have yet to find a type of garment that I can not make on it. Of course, the Industrial Machine does have more features, however, for a beginner they are not necessary. In addition, the Home Machine is a good size and can easily fit on any table in the house where the Industrial Machine is very large and could take up half a room in an of itself. If you do not have a whole space to dedicate to your machine, then that is just another reason to pick up the House Machine. With all of that said, if I ever really do become a designer or attend formal school for design I probably will upgrade once more to the Industrial Machine. However, that is pretty far in my future. *Side note, they did have industrial machines in the Project Runway line*.

So that is basically all that I have to say about purchasing a Sewing Machine and getting started on your fashion design journeys. I hope that you guys are as excited for this as I am and let me know if there is anything specific you want me to talk about. I am so happy to bring you all along with me on my journey.


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