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Middle School Advise: Cursing In School

Hey guys. Today I am going to talk about cursing in Middle School. I decided to talk about this because I remember being curious about it going into 6th grade and I am sure a bunch of you guys are too. I do not want any of you to take away from this post that cursing is necessary or that it is good. Personally, I think that anything can be said without a cure word. In fact, you will always make a stronger point when you do not curse rather than when you do. With that said, I want you guys to know what is coming, so I am going to talk about what really goes on in the halls.

Do people curse in Middle School?
Yes. Not only do people curse, but they use inappropriate words. It happens and you need to be prepared so that you do not get taken advantage of. Cursing someone out is different than cursing in sentences or jokingly. Honestly, you will prob not be cursed out. However, someone will curse jokingly or in their sentences. When I was in 6th grade, I had a friend who had a dirty mouth. He called me a bitch jokingly all the time. He did not mean to offend me, and he did not really think that I was a nasty person. He just thought it was cool to say that word. In Middle School, everyone will think it is cool to curse. But really, its not. I know that might sound cliche and like I'm your mother, but really. People will respect you so much more if you leave out the profanity. People who curse a lot get labeled as low class and taken advantage of. I know you may not be thinking that deeply now, but you really start to develop into who you are in the 6th grade, and people start to form opinions of you. You do not need to start off poorly. It is much easier to be a respectful from the start than to begin disrespectful and to have to earn back every ones trust. Remember that friend of mine with the dirty mouth? Everyone thought he was a loser at the time. Fast forward 6 years, and those who did not know him well still thought he was a bum. Was it true? No way. Today, he is one of the nicest people I know yet there are still some who do not believe it because he cursed and talked so inappropriately in Middle School. So do yourself a favor, when you think you need to curse in order to make a point or to act "cool", think again...your better than that.

What to do when others curse? Should you still be their friend?
Okay so you have made the decision not to curse. But your friend, lets call her Alex, has started running her mouth. Ali has followed Alex and is cursing now too...lets not even get started on the boys. They call all of their female friends ho's and bitches, you included. You know cursing is does that mean that they are all bad people and you should disconnect from them? Lets think for a second. Over the course of Middle School and High School, people will change a lot. One of the biggest tips I think I can give you is not to judge anyone until you know them. If your friends are really your good friends and they are using profanity, you can still be their friends and just not use it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I am here to tell you that some of my closest friends in Middle School had terrible mouths and I am still alive today. But for real, sometimes, the cursing is an indication that the person is taking a turn for the worse. His/her poor language could indicate that they do not respect themselves, or others. It could indicate that they are not nice. It could indicate that they are disrespectful. However, it could also indicate that they are just growing up and experimenting. I would say that about half of the kids who ran their mouths in Middle School stopped cursing by High School because it was not "cool" anymore. Like I said before, the best thing that you can do is not judge too quickly. If someone is cruising someone or yourself out...that is not nice no matter what. And maybe you would want to distance yourself from them. At the same time, Alex, Ali and all the boys could just be experimenting with their new vocabulary and climbing the social latter. That does not mean that they are bad people, and that does not mean that they are going to curse all the time forever.
*If someone calls you a bad word or curses about someone around you, never feel to shy to stand up for yourself and tell that person that your do not appreciate their cursing or saying that you would rather not be called that. You may think they will judge you now, but they will respect you in the long run.*

Is cursing cool? Do all the popular kids curse? Do I need to curse to be popular?
I am going to do a whole separate post on popularity in Middle School so I am just going to slightly touch upon it now. Cursing seems cool in Middle School, but its not. People will think that it is okay to disrespect you because you do not have any self respect as you use curse words. Its a subconscious thing, but it happens. Ultimately, it stops being cool. Cursing is like getting a new toy or a new phone. It is so awesome and you want to use it all the time when you first get it, but after you have discovered what it can do, you use it less often. Do popular kids curse? Yep. But that does not mean you have to curse to be popular. There are plenty of popular kids who do not curse. There are two kinds of popular, the bad kind and the good kind. I will get into this more in my popularity post but the kids who are the good kind of popular do not curse.

Do the teachers curse?
NO! In Middle School, the teachers try to set a good example for the students. Cursing in a work environment is unprofessional and therefore, they do not do it. In fact, if your curse in front of a teacher in Middle School, you will prob get in trouble.

Okay, this is it for this episode of Middle School Advise. If you have any questions on the topic discussed today, or any topic requests for the future, please comment below!


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