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High School Advise For Incoming Freshman

Hey guys! So as promised, there is a second part to my Middle School Advise series...and that is of course, High School Advise. I am going to go year by year and talk about my experience as well as give advise. If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask! So, lets get started!

Freshman year is a confusing year. I can't say that I loved it, but it was not the worst year of my education. That is junior year...but lets talk about freshman first shall we? Going into freshman year, your still a middle schooler. You may think your ready to be independent, drive and have a boyfriend/girlfriend, but you are not. Freshman year is all about growing up. I know that is cliche and you may not believe me now, but when you are looking back on High School, you will realize how young you really were going into freshman year. I went into ninth grade with a group of friends that had begun to fall apart in eighth. In addition, I was like the queen of theatre and the school shows and there was this boy a year older than me who I liked and I could not wait to get to High School to be reunited with him. Because lets be real, I thought that he was actually going to sweep me off my feet and lead me down the stair well. But this wasn't Hollywood, it was a small town. And all of that

I started off the year in the school show with one of my middle school BFF's, and the other one did cheer. The two of them got into this big fight and I was like Switzerland. The friend in cheer started to hang with the bad popular group that I was not comfortable being a part of, and the other friend just got more involved in theatre. You would think that would have brought her and me closer, but at the same time, I lost interest in theatre. In addition, that boy I liked, I pretty much never talked to after the first few weeks of school. I got involved in my school radio station as well as some other projects outside of school. Academically, I found freshman year hard because I always anticipated that everything was going to be impossible because it was High School. However, I always did well inspire of my strange assumptions.

My biggest regret of freshman year was not getting involved in Student Government because that is one of those things that if you want to get to the top of, you have to start at the bottom as a freshman, and senior year I wished I was at the top. Honestly, my best advise to you is just not to over think things and just go with the flow. Try something new. Try something you said you would not try in Middle School. Get involved in your school because that is how you are going to make friends. Take it from me, school can get very lonely when all of your friends are from the outside.

Education wise, I did not get much of a choice in my classes, but if you can take an honors class, I recommend taking one or two. I would not suggest taking any more than that because they are a bit different than regular classes and they take some getting use to in order to do well. So I would say deff challenge yourself. As a general trend, the kids who took on a bit of challenge freshman year continued to take honors and eventually AP classes, while those who did not try honors freshman year did not move onto the advanced courses. My other piece of advise is to take honors classes in subjects that you do well in and are easy for you. Do not take a honors math because you think it will look good if math is your worst subject. Colleges would rather you take honors English and do well if that is your strength, than tanking honors math and tank. A lot of kids make that mistake, so just keep that in mind when looking at your courses that you are about to embark on.

Speaking of your schedule, IT IS OKAY TO CHANGE YOUR COURSES! I was so afraid to do this freshman year, but it is really no big deal. You are a whole half a year older than you were when you picked these classes and if you change your mind about them, it is okay. In addition, if you find that you have a bad teacher or you just don't get along with them and you think you would do better somewhere else (or the course is too easy/hard) switching out will only benefit you in the long run. Do not feel committed to stay in something because it looked good in March of eighth grade. This is one of the benefits of being in High School, you are not forced to take a specific class at a specific time like in Middle School. You have the power to switch, do it if you feel like it is the right decision.

To go to homecoming or not to go to homecoming, that is the question. The answer is honestly, do what you want. But personally, I never went. Homecoming is an under age drinking fiasco. If you choose to engage in that behavior, be mindful that it is illegal, but that is your choice. Obviously, it is a choice that I advise against. I personally never engaged in that behavior and I am not just saying that because I am on the Internet. I really do not believe in pickling yourself every weekend. With that said, football games a a big booze party. Homecoming is like the icing on the cake. People get the drunkest, have the craziest parties and have sex all over the place. If this makes you uncomfortable, do not go. Personally, I did not feel comfortable in this environment so I did not go. Are there people who go to games and homecoming that are not drunk and having sex with virtual strangers/acquaintances? Yes. But there is an overwhelming majority of people who do engage in this behavior. I think that it is sad that so many young people lack the self respect to stay sober and save their sex for someone meaningful. But unfortunately, that is society today. I felt the need to include this segment because it is not something everyone feels comfortable talking about and I just want you to know what your getting into as a freshman so you can make the decision that is right for you.

Freshmeat. Your in High School now. You are old enough and ready to start dating. But are you? Is that guy from Bio hitting on you because he thinks your hot and wants in your pants? Or is he genuinely interested in you? This is a struggle that everyone goes through freshman year. Learning how to date the real way. Someone is not going to come up to you and ask you to be their boyfriend/girlfriend like they did in Middle School. And there are going to be people looking for sex. There are also people looking for a real relationship. Learning who wants what is tricky and it takes time to learn. To that end, going on real dates and building a real relationship takes time too. At the start of freshman year, there are a tone of Middle School esq relationships because that is what people are use to and they think they are old enough for one now so they go for it. As the year goes on, people start having real relationships and honestly, if you do find yourself in a situation where you can build a real relationship with someone you like, go for it.

Okay, I think I have covered the basics. Again, if you have any questions, feel free to comment below and I will try to answer them the best I can. Remember, High School flies by in the blink of an eye, and only YOU can make the most of it for yourself.


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