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Middle School Advise: How To Be Popular (The Good Kind of Popular)

Hey Guys! So, today I am going to be wrapping up the Middle School part of my school advise series for this summer. I decided to save this topic for last because honestly, it dominates a good part of your social life and the choices you make in Middle School. Being Popular. Everyone wants to be poplar and that is okay. Why do we want to be popular? Because we want to feel accepted. No one ever likes being left out and that is completely and totally normal. However, there is the good kind of popular and the bad kind of popular. I want to talk about both because they are both important and it is essential to know the difference. So, lets get into it.

The Bad Popular
Okay, so Im going to be honest and tell you that most of the people you think are popular in Middle School are the bad kind of popular. This does not necessarily mean that they are all going to turn out to be bad people. However, there is a high chance that these are the people who will take a turn for the worst in High School. But like I said, its not 100%, therefore, you should never judge someone and write them off completely because they are the bad popular. If you are friends with someone who is the bad popular, just be aware of the choices they make that classifies them as such and make different choices for yourself. What are those bad choices? Well, Im getting to that right now.
In Middle School, what you wear can put a big fat label on you. If you dress normal, your fine. But if your "cute" OOTD is a mini skirt that you can't bend over in without exposing your thong, and your top is a tank in the dead of the winter, your the bad popular. Girls often think that dressing slutty in Middle School will get them all the guys. And know what? In Middle School, its true. All the guys will want to make out with them and they will be popular because the boys will want to kiss them and the girls will want to be kissed. However, it back fires. By the time these girls get to High School, the boys have all kissed them and they get a reputation as easy and no one wants to date them for real because they don't think this girl actually wants a boyfriend, they think she wants to just hook up. This girl is dateless for prom. This girl is not respected in school. No one wants to kiss this girl, because they already have, and no one wants to be this girls, because they want to be respected for the right reasons. This girls is the bad popular. In Middle School, the bad popular boys walk around with their pants on the ground and talk dirty. That backfires in the same way. No girl wants to kiss him because they already have, and no boy wants to be them because they want their dignity. Doing poorly in school is a characteristic of the bad popular. The bad popular kids do not care about their Middle School grades because "they don't count". News flash, that does not change. These kids do not care about their grades when they do count and they do not end up with as bright of a future as those who do care about their grades all the way throughout. Again, it all goes back to self respect. Those who do not care about their grades, do not care because they really do not care about themselves. They do not care if they fail because they already feel like a failure. You NEVER have to feel like a failure, and you should never accept failure for yourself (even if you do not have the highest self esteem). Lets be real, no one in Middle School is 100% confident in themselves, but you do not have to degrade yourself either to be "popular". Its going to backfire if you do.

The Good Popular
The Good Popular people do not usually consider themselves popular. Usually, they do not care about popularity. They dress age appropriately and are basically normal pre-teens. What sets them apart from the rest of the crowed? The Good Popular kids usually excel in one area or another. This group is comprised of the student council president and cabinet, the leads in the play, the kids who excel at sports, the really really smart kids, the great artists, and the kids who are just genuinely great people with big hearts. Everyone has something that they are good at. And I know you might be thinking, your wrong I suck at everything, that is not true. You have just yet to discover or develop your strength. Because everyone shines in one area or another, everyone has the power to be inducted into this group. If you are good at something, are persistent with something, or are just committed to being a good individual, AND have the confidence to just be who you are and do what you want regardless of what your friends do or what your frienamies say, your in this group. You may not see yourself as popular, but in hind sight, you will realize how respected and well liked you really were. This type of person goes onto become a worthy person, they do not carry a poor reputation and are respected and given opportunities. There is not much else to say about this person, because this person is you. They are inside of you. You just have to make the conscious decision to find that person and become them. I know I had to do it, you can too.



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