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Homecoming Horribles: What to Wear to Homecoming 2014

Hey guys! So I decided to bring back this mini series since the new school year has started which mean homecoming for many of us. This post is going to be more focused on High School homecoming as I have not actually attended college homecoming and am not sure myself what to wear to it... or if there even is a dance. With that said, you can totally wear any of these outfits or use them for inspiration for any event, it doesn't have to be homecoming. As for the disclaimer, I do not own any of these pictures. That's about all I have to say for the intro so lets get started.

The girly girl fashion has been on point lately and you certainly can not go wrong with this style. Separates have made a huge come back recently. I would recommend going with a crop top and a circle skirt set for this event. This way, you can be a little bit sexy for the event while still keeping in tact your girly style. The homecoming dress code is unofficially LBD, if you still want to mesh in with the crowd, you can most deff find a girly style set of separated in black. However, if you want to stay true to your self and stand out from the crowd, feel free to choose which ever color and pattern you like! Personally, the second option is what i would opt for.

If you are a girly girl and you still want to wear a dress, I would suggest a fit and flair dress. These style dresses are everywhere and they are so flattering and so cute! The image I am including is one that actually looks like separates but it is really just one dress. I saw Lindsey Hughes (beautybaby44/livinlikelindsey) wearing this dress in one of her videos and I thought it was absolutely stunning so I am including and image of it here with the link to purchase it from Top Shop. If I had an event coming up, I would totally purchase this dress myself.

Okay my edgy girls...its time to glam it up. What better place to throw on some glitter than homecoming? For the edgy dresser, I would again recommend going with separates for this event. There are so many hot crop tops that scream edge that you can pair with a cute skirt and patterned tights and maybe a leather or jean jacket if it is a bit chilly. The edgy girl has to have her accessories, so I would deff recommend finding a necklace to complement this outfit. Both statement and long necklaces would do the trick depending on what the outfit looks like. I would also suggest adding some rings to the look to give it that glamorous feel.
 (All of the above items in this outfit can also be purchased from Top Shop)

Dressing up is not every one's thing. If you are one of those girls who hates dresses and skirts, you are in luck because the romper is back in style. I would suggest choosing a looser fitting one if you are not one to wear tight clothing. However, there are plenty of more fitted ones if you want to show off your body a bit more for the occasion. Rompers are very comfortable because you do not have to worry about flashing the world, your skirt flying up or someone putting it up intentionally on the dance floor (disgusting, I know, but it happens). Again, you can certainly fit in with the black dress code but you could also opt for something else.

Slutty is not a style I recommend ever. You should never disrespect yourself to the point where you intentionally walk around half naked. I know that a lot of girls like to forget their cloths at homecoming, but really, they are all too good for that. You can look sexy at the dance while staying classy and maintaining your dignity. I know the title here is a bit misleading, because I am not about to recommend you a slutty outfit. I am going to recommend that if you want to show off your assets, you opt for s body con dress that covers you up completely but still shows that you are built well.

Okay, that is it for this episode of Homecoming Horribles. I hope that it gave you some inspiration for your outfits this year and that you all have a fabulous time at the dance!


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