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Spring 2015 Trends

Hey guys! I know long time no post. Basically, I have been doing a lot of moving and stuff so long story short I haven't had enough time to really make good content and I don't just want to post content Im not proud of for the sake of posting, so I took a little break. But as always I am back! I really did plan on blogging this season of Project Runway All Stars but I was not getting the opportunity to watch it for a while and was so behind. So what I decided to do is blog the last five episodes of this season as well as post a season re-cap when there are only 4 designers left and I am all caught up. Hope that is okay!
Today's post is one of my personal favorite series of mine and that is my upcoming trends series. I personally think that these are so fun to write. With that said, let's get on into some upcoming trends for Spring 2015!


1. Wider Leg Pants
Let's finally say goodbye to skin tight skinny jeans and trade them in for more comfortable pair of pants. The times are not yet willing to welcome back the big wide legs of the 70's but they are certainly more open to the idea. This spring, pants will be cut in a wider, more boot cut style. In addition, they will be loosest they have been since the early 2000's. Long one are the days of jeans only. Although you can't go wrong with a pair of denims this spring, other materials have certainly come into vogue. Let's all celebrate because a flowy comfortable pair of pants is finally in style.

2. Fringe
Fashion is not only headed towards the 70's in terms of pants. Fringe is most certainly making a come back in the upcoming season. Although this is not the first time fringe has come back in the past 20 years, this time it feels as if it will stick around a bit longer. This is an exciting trend as it will add a different style to clothing than we have recently been sporting.

3. Bohemian
Along the lines of fringe comes bohemian. This style has slowly been creeping into main stream fashion. No longer confined to Cochella are forehead headbands, off the shoulder flowy dresses, distressing, earthy tones, layered jewlery and loose cut clothing. Bohemian is not everyone's thing. However, it offers such a wide range of options that virtually everyone can participate with at least one article of fashion that they enjoy.

4. Crop Tops and Two Pieces
This is not really a new trend. Crop tops came into vogue in 2013 and dominated the past year of fashion. Formal gowns are even being sold in two piece! No need to donate your old crops from last spring becasue they will still be in style. Also, be sure to keep around your matching two pieces, they are still going strong too!

5. Plad
Plad has always been around (random side note but the word plad keeps autocorrecting to Olaf lol). Anyway, this spring not just any checkers are instyle. Dominating the runway was the little tiny checks. Small plad is most certainly in style and I am sure will fill every store.


1. Red Lip
Everyone is gonna have that "red lip classic thing that you like". This past fall was the season of the dark lip. And I mean the darker the better. What a better way to freshen it up for spring that turning red into the new black? Mastering the art of the perfect, not sloppy all over your teeth red lip is hard, but this is most certainly the season to do it in!

2. Little Braids
Going along with the bohemian fashion trend is this hair style. This spring, girl will be sporting little braids worn down within their hair. I personally love this trend because it allows you to hode pieces of hair that did not get enough product, that you missed by straining etc. Not to mention, it is a quick way to spice up your everyday natural hair.

3. Hair Accessories
Speaking of spicing up your hair, hair Accesories have come back in. Floral headbands are no longer reserved for children only. My personal favorite is the jewlery headband that almost looks like a crown but isn't. Clair's always has the best selection of these. Anthropology also has some very cute healed headbands that are to be worn around the forehead area. If you are not a fan of styling your hair, or just never have time, hair Accesories are a great trend for you to try out because they take monomial time to apply and are guaranteed to switch up your look.

Let me know which spring trend you are most excited to try! If there are any trends that I missed that you are excited about, feel free to comment those too! I hope you enjoyed this post and that it got you as excited for spring reading it as I did writing it!


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